Deployment Model From Cloud Computing
Deployment Model from Cloud Computing
1. Public Cloud
Public Cloud is a Cloud Computing service provided to the general public. Users can directly register or use existing services. Many Public Cloud services are free, and there are also those who need to pay to be able to enjoy the service. Free Public Cloud examples: GoogleMail, Facebook, Twitter, Live Mail, etc. Examples of paid Public Cloud: Sales Force, Office365, GoogleApps, etc.
Advantages: Users do not need to invest to maintain and build infrastructure, platforms, or applications. We only need to use it for free (for free services) or pay as much as you use (pay as you go). With this approach, we can reduce and change the cost of Capex (Capital Expenditure) to Opex (Operational Expenditure).
Disadvantages: Very much depends on the quality of the internet service (connection) that we use. If the internet connection is dead, then no service can be accessed. For this reason, it is necessary to carefully consider the internet infrastructure.
2. Private Cloud
Private Cloud Is a cloud computing service provided to meet the internal needs of organizations / companies. Usually the IT department will act as a service provider (service provider) and other departments become consumer services. As a service provider, of course, the IT Department must be responsible so that services can run well in accordance with the quality standards of service that have been determined by the company, both infrastructure, platforms, and existing applications.
Examples of services: SaaS: Web Application, Mail Server, Database Server for internal purposes. PaaS: Operating System + Web Server + Framework + Database that is for internal IaaS: Virtual machine that can be requested according to internal needs Advantages: Saves internet bandwidth when the service is only accessed from internal networks. Business processes are not dependent on internet connections, will but it still depends on the local network connection (intranet). Disadvantages: Large investment, because we ourselves have to prepare the infrastructure. Need workers to maintain and ensure the service runs well.
3. Hybrid Cloud
Hybrid Cloud Is a combination of Public Cloud and Private Cloud services that are implemented by an organization / company. In this Hybrid Cloud, we can choose which business processes can be moved to Public Cloud and which business processes must continue to run in the Private Cloud.
Company A hires services from GoogleApp Engine (Public Cloud) as the "home" used for the applications they make. In that country there are rules that customer data from a company may not be stored on third parties. To comply with existing regulations, customer data from company A is still stored in their own database (Private Cloud), and the application will make connectivity to the internal database.
Company B hires services from Office365 (Public Cloud). Because company B already has many users stored in Active Directory running on their Windows Server (Private Cloud), it will be more effective if the Active Directory is used as an identity to log in to Office365.
Data security is guaranteed because data can be managed alone (this does NOT mean that data storage in public cloud is not safe, yes). It's more flexible to choose which business processes must continue to run in private cloud and which business processes can be transferred to the public cloud while ensuring the integration of both.
For applications that require integration between public cloud and private cloud, internet infrastructure must be carefully considered.
4. Community Cloud
Community Cloud is a Cloud Computing service that is built exclusively for certain communities, whose consumer comes from organizations that have the same attention to things / things, for example security standards, rules, compliance, etc.
This Community Cloud can be owned, maintained, and operated by one or more organizations from that community, third parties, or a combination of both.
Advantages: Can work with other organizations in communities that have the same interests. Doing the same thing together is certainly lighter than doing it yourself. Disadvantages: Dependence between organizations if each of these organizations shares resources.
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